
fiscal info corporations

Doing Business in the Netherlands

Last updated: 08-02-2018

On this website the following information can be found in relation to the topic of doing business in the Netherlands:



Country Profile

Economic Parameters

Legal Structure of the Business

Schedule: Characteristics of Frequent used Forms of Business in the Netherlands

Corporation or Branch?

How to incorporate a BV

Buying a Shelf Company

How to establish a branch/representative office?

Schedule: Taxable Branch versus Non-Taxable Branch

Filing and Registration Requirements

Registration Requirements with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce

Filing Requirements with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce

Dutch Accounting and Audit Requirements

Main Features of the Dutch Tax System

Schedule: Dutch Tax Rates

Schedule: Worldwide tax rates

Dutch corporate tax regime

The tax depreciation of business assets in the Netherlands

Dutch tax rates

How to finance your Dutch business

Corporate tax compliance

The Dutch ruling practice

Overview tax treaties concluded by the Netherlands

Withholding taxes on outbound payments

Schedule: Withholding tax rates for dividends under Dutch tax treaties

Schedule: Withholding tax rates for interest under Dutch tax treaties 

Schedule: Withholding tax rates for royalties under Dutch tax treaties 

Tax and Government Incentives 

 Innovation Box Regime

The Dutch Tonnage Tax Regime for Shipping Companies 

The Dutch Value Added Tax (VAT) system

Employee Taxation

Schedule: Dutch Tax Rates for Individuals

Expatriate Incentive: the 30% Regulation

Dutch Rules for Employee Stock Option Plans

The information you will find on this website is a first introduction to the Netherlands. It contains a general description of the Dutch tax system.

We emphasize that the information provided on this website is of indicative nature only and although the information is prepared with the utmost care we cannot accept any responsibility with regard to the correctness or completeness of the information. We also refer to our internet protocol. If you require conclusive advice please contact us.

If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us at our office, via e-mail or by telephone at+ (31) 20 570 94 40 (Amsterdam) or + (31) 10 20 10 466 (Rotterdam).