
fiscal info corporations

Payroll obligations in the Netherlands

Last updated: 08-10-2021


The obligation to register as employer in the Netherlands 

The deadline for the registration as employer in the Netherlands 

The withholding obligation in the Netherlands 

Payroll taxes in the Netherlands  

Wage tax in the Netherlands  

Dutch taxable wages 

The withholding tables in the Netherlands  

The rate for anonymous employees in the Netherlands  

The Dutch national social insurance contributions (“premies volksverzekeringen”) 

The rates for the National social insurance contributions  

The Dutch Employee social insurance contributions (“premies werknemersverzekeringen”) 

The premiums due for the Dutch employee insurances 

The maximum premium wage in the Netherlands 

The Care Insurance Act Contributions (“Zvw”) in the Netherlands 

Exemption from the Dutch social security contributions (treaties and EU Regulations) 

The Dutch wage tax number

The period of withholding in the Netherlands 

Filing of the Dutch wage tax return and related tax payment obligations 

Dutch payroll tax penalties 

Previous period payroll corrections in the Netherlands  

Administrative obligations for the withholding agent in the Netherlands 

The liability for the payment of Dutch payroll taxes  

Excessive severance payments in the Netherlands

The payroll service package of TAXci

If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us at our officevia e-mail or by telephone at + (31) 20 570 94 40 (Amsterdam) or + (31) 10 20 10 466 (Rotterdam).


Go to >   The payroll service package of TAXci