Deferral and roll over facilities for income from a substantial shareholding
Last updated:
The Dutch Income Tax Act provides for various deferral and roll-over facilities for income from substantial shareholding.
Amongst others in the following situations the recognition of a capital gain (i.e. income originating from the alienation or deemed alienation of elements belonging to a substantial shareholding) can under certain conditions be deferred or rolled-over to the new owner of the shares/profit shares:
- transfer of ownership based on family law;
- transfer of ownership based on inheritance law;
- transfer of ownership as gift;
- upon request of the taxpayer if he/she no longer has a substantial shareholding;
- upon request of the taxpayer if there is a transfer of ownership as a consequence of a share merger, legal merger or legal demerger/split-off;
- upon request of the taxpayer in case of a facilitated conversion of a corporation into a private enterprise.
In most cases it is possible to obtain an advance ruling from the Dutch tax office confirming that in a given situation the roll-over/ deferral facility applies or will apply.
The above information is prepared with utmost care, but it cannot be guaranteed that the rules have not changed since the date of publication or that your personal situation triggers the application of specific rules which deviate from the above. Before you use this information we therefore strongly recommend that you consult us to determine your personal Dutch income tax position. If you require our follow up, you can contact us via e-mail or call us at our offices in Amsterdam + 31 (20) 570 9440 or Rotterdam + 31 (10) 2010466. |