
International Tax Planning

Last updated: 19-01-2020
Using The Netherlands in international tax planning
The Dutch Holding Company
The Dutch Finance Company
The Dutch Licensing Company
The substance requirements for Dutch Group Financing and Licensing companies in the Netherlands
Checklist for setting up a Dutch holding company
Transfer pricing in the Netherlands
The Dutch advance tax ruling practise
The EU exemption for dividends (directive)
The EU exemption for interest and royalties (directive)
The Dutch holding company plus
Overview tax treaties concluded by the Netherlands
The tax cost of repatriating profits from the Netherlands
Dutch emigration and immigration tax issues for corporations
The incorporation of a Dutch BV
The incorporation of a Dutch Cooperative
The acquisition of a Dutch shelf company
Trust and management services in the Netherlands
 Disclosure of the shareholder and ultimate beneficial owner of a Dutch company


What can we do for you ?


We have extensive knowledge and expertise in the area of international tax planning and we are gladly prepared to advice you on this subject or guide you to other professionals who can help you in other specialized areas (like international lawyers, accountants or trust companies).


For more information about our fees we refer to the section Fees.


If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us via e-mail or to call us at our offices in Amsterdam on the number + 31 20 5709447 or Rotterdam on the number +31 (10) 2010466.